Kindergarten Curriculum

Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home

Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.

Kindergarten | Counting
☐ Count the items in a collection and know the last counting word tells how many items are in the collection (1 to 10)
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Visually determine how many more or less; and then, using the verbal counting sequence, match and count 1-10
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Use and understand verbal ordinal terms, first to tenth
Definition of Ordinal Number
Cardinal Ordinal and Nominal Numbers
☐ Count out (produce) a collection of a specified size 1 to 10
Play Counting Bugs Game
Play Finding Bugs Game
Play Fireworks Counting
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
☐ Numerically label a data set of 1 to 5
Play Counting Bugs Game
Play Finding Bugs Game
Play Fireworks Counting
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Verbally count by 1's to 20
Connect The Dots - Counting
Fill in the Number Chart
☐ Verbally count backwards from 10
Skip Counting
Skip Counting Backwards (20 to 1)
☐ Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent a spoken number up to 10
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent how many in a collection up to 10
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Write numbers 1-10 to represent a collection
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
Kindergarten | Addition
☐ Solve and create addition verbal word problems (use counting-based strategies, such as counting to ten)
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Determine sums by various means
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
Math Trainer - Addition
Addition Math Worksheets
Kindergarten | Subtraction
☐ Determine differences by various means
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
Subtraction Math Worksheets
Math Trainer - Subtraction
Kindergarten | Measurement
☐ Name, discuss, and compare attributes of length (longer than, shorter than)
Definition of Attribute
Length Definition
☐ Compare the lengths of two objects by representing each length with string or a paper strip
Activity: Compare Lengths
Kindergarten | Time
☐ Relate specific times such as morning, noon, afternoon, and evening to activities and absence or presence of daylight
A Day ...
Kindergarten | Geometry (Plane)
☐ Describe characteristics and relationships of geometric objects
Play Pattern Match - Colors
Shapes Freeplay
Play Pattern Match - Shapes
☐ Sort groups of objects by size and size order (increasing and decreasing)
Increase Definition
Definition of Decrease
Activity: Sorting Shapes
☐ Explore vertical and horizontal orientation of objects
Vertical Definition
Horizontal Definition
Play Three In A Line
Four In A Line
Play Zinlock Puzzle Game
☐ Manipulate two-dimensional shapes to explore symmetry
Symmetry Artist
Point Symmetry
Rotational Symmetry
Reflection Symmetry
Shapes Freeplay
Activity: Symmetry of Shapes
Activity: Make a Mandala
Kindergarten | Geometry (Solid)
☐ Manipulate three-dimensional shapes to explore symmetry
Definition of Cube
Definition of Box
Definition of Cylinder
Definition of Sphere
Kindergarten | Pre-Algebra
☐ Use a variety of manipulatives to create patterns using attributes of color, size, or shape.
Play Pattern Match - Colors
Play Pattern Match - Shapes
Shapes Freeplay
☐ Recognize, describe, extend, and create patterns that repeat (e.g., ABABAB or ABAABAAAB)
Play Pattern Match - Colors
Play Pattern Match - Shapes
Play Pattern Match - Numbers
Kindergarten | Data
☐ Help to make simple pictographs for quantities up to 10, given what one picture represents
☐ Sort and organize objects by two attributes (e.g., color, size, or shape)
Shapes Freeplay
Definition of Attribute
Play the Choose the Larger Block Game
Activity: Sorting Shapes
☐ Identify more, less, and same amounts from pictographs or concrete models
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
Less Than Definition
Greater Than Definition