Pre Kinder Curriculum

Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home

Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.

Pre Kinder | Counting
☐ Count the items in a collection and know the last counting word tells how many items are in the collection (1 to 10)
Counting: Number Names to 100
☐ Count out (produce) a collection of a specified size 1 to 10
Play Counting Bugs Game
Play Finding Bugs Game
Play Fireworks Counting
Number Blocks Puzzles
Play with Number Blocks Online
☐ Verbally count by 1's to 10
☐ Explore the different representations of a group of objects
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent a spoken number up to 5
Play Fireworks Counting
☐ Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent how many in a collection up to 5
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Recognize numerals (0-5)
Play Counting Bugs Game
Play Finding Bugs Game
Play Fireworks Counting
☐ Use and understand the terms first and last
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
Pre Kinder | Time
☐ Relate specific times such as day and night
A Day ...
Pre Kinder | Pre-Algebra
☐ Duplicate simple patterns using concrete objects
Play Pattern Match - Colors
Play Pattern Match - Shapes
Play Pattern Match - Numbers
Pre Kinder | Data
☐ Sort and organize objects by one attribute (e.g., color, size, or shape)
Shapes Freeplay
Definition of Attribute
Play the Choose the Larger Block Game
Activity: Sorting Shapes
☐ Count and compare groups formed (quantify groups formed)
Play Counting Bugs Game
Play Finding Bugs Game
Play Fireworks Counting
Play the Choose the Larger Block Game
Kindergarten Math Worksheets
☐ Describe the attributes of objects
Definition of Attribute