Grade 1 Curriculum
Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home
Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.
Grade 1 | Counting
☐ Count the items in a collection and know the last counting word tells how many items are in the collection (1 to 100)
☐ Counting
☐ Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent a spoken number up to 20
☐ Counting
☐ Write numbers to 100
☐ Counting
☐ Read the number words one, two, three to ten
☐ Counting
☐ Count out (produce) a collection of a specified size (10 to 100 items), using groups of ten
☐ Name the number before and the number after a given number, and name the number(s) between two given numbers up to 100 (with and without the use of a number line or a hundreds chart)
☐ Counting
☐ Use before, after, or between to order numbers to 100 (with or without the use of a number line)
☐ Counting
☐ Use the words higher, lower, greater, and less to compare two numbers
☐ Use and understand verbal ordinal terms, first to twentieth
☐ Quickly see and label with a number, collections of 1 to 10
☐ Counting
☐ Count by 1's to 100
☐ Counting
☐ Skip count by 10's to 100
☐ Skip count by 5's to 50
☐ Skip count by 2's to 20
☐ Verbally count from a number other than one by 1's
☐ Count backwards from 20 by 1's
☐ Skip count multiples of 10 by 10's to 1,000
Grade 1 | Addition
☐ Understand the commutative property of addition
☐ Addition
☐ Develop and use strategies to solve addition word problems
☐ Addition
☐ Represent addition word problems and their solutions as number sentences
☐ Addition
☐ Use a variety of strategies to solve addition problems with one and two-digit numbers without regrouping
☐ Addition
☐ Demonstrate fluency and apply addition facts to and including 10
☐ Addition
☐ Understand that different parts can be added to get the same whole
☐ Addition
Grade 1 | Subtraction
☐ Develop and use strategies to solve subtraction word problems
☐ Represent subtraction word problems and their solutions as number sentences
☐ Use a variety of strategies to solve subtraction problems with one and two-digit numbers without regrouping
☐ Demonstrate fluency and apply subtraction facts to and including 10
Grade 1 | Numbers
☐ Arrange objects in size order (increasing and decreasing)
☐ Compare and order whole numbers up to 20
☐ Use a variety of strategies to compose and decompose one-digit numbers
☐ Recognize the difference between numbers, numerals and digits.
Grade 1 | Measurement
☐ Recognize length as an attribute that can be measured
☐ Select and use non-standard units to estimate measurements
☐ Use non-standard units (including finger lengths, paper clips, students' feet and paces) to measure both vertical and horizontal lengths
☐ Informally explore the standard metric unit of measure (meter)
☐ Informally explore the US standard unit of measure (foot)
Grade 1 | Time
☐ Classify months and connect to seasons and other events
☐ Months
☐ Years
☐ Recognize specific times (morning, noon, afternoon, evening)
☐ Tell time to the hour, using both digital and analog clocks
☐ Know the days of the week and months of the year in sequence
☐ Months
Grade 1 | Geometry (Plane)
☐ Match shapes and parts of shapes to justify congruency
☐ Experiment with slides, flips, and turns of two-dimensional shapes
☐ Identify symmetry in two-dimensional shapes
☐ Recognize, name, describe, create, sort, and compare two-dimensional shapes
☐ Direction: Up, Down, Left, Right
Grade 1 | Geometry (Solid)
☐ Recognize, name, describe, create, sort, and compare three-dimensional shapes
☐ Recognize geometric shapes and structures in the environment
Grade 1 | Pre-Algebra
☐ Determine and discuss patterns in arithmetic (what comes next in a repeating pattern, using numbers or objects)
☐ Patterns
☐ Create problem situations that represent a given number sentence
Grade 1 | Data
☐ Pose questions about themselves and their surroundings
☐ Collect and record data related to a question
☐ Display data in bar graphs using concrete objects with intervals of one
☐ Interpret data in terms of the words: most, least, greater than, less than, or equal to
☐ Answer simple questions related to data displayed in pictographs (e.g., Category with most? How many more in one category compared with another? How many altogether in two categories?)
☐ Construct a question that can be answered by using information from a data graph
Grade 1 | Estimation
☐ Estimate the number in a collection to 50 and then compare by counting the actual items in the collection
Grade 1 | Probability
☐ Discuss conclusions and make predictions in terms of the words likely and unlikely
Grade 1 | Money
☐ Know and recognize coins
☐ Recognize the cent notation.
☐ Use different combinations of coins to make money amounts up to 25 cents