Grade 3 Curriculum
Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home
Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.
Grade 3 | Counting
☐ Skip count by 25's and 50's to 1,000 or by 100's to 10,000
Grade 3 | Addition
☐ Use a variety of strategies to add 3-digit numbers (with and without regrouping)
☐ Addition
☐ Use and explain the commutative property of addition
☐ Understand and use the associative property of addition
Grade 3 | Subtraction
☐ Use a variety of strategies to subtract 3-digit numbers (with and without regrouping)
Grade 3 | Multiplication
☐ Develop fluency with multiplication facts: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x
☐ Use a variety of strategies to solve multiplication problems with factors up to 12 x 12
☐ Use the area model, tables, patterns, arrays, and doubling to provide meaning for multiplication
☐ Use 1 as the identity element for multiplication
☐ Use the zero property of multiplication
☐ Zero
☐ Use and explain the commutative property of multiplication
Grade 3 | Division
☐ Demonstrate fluency and apply single-digit division facts
☐ Division
☐ Use tables, patterns, halving, and manipulatives to provide meaning for division
☐ Division
Grade 3 | Numbers
☐ Identify odd and even numbers
☐ Develop an understanding of the properties of odd/even numbers as a result of addition or subtraction
☐ Read and write whole numbers to 1,000
☐ Compare and order numbers to 1,000
☐ Understand the place value structure of the base ten number system:
10 ones = 1 ten
10 tens = 1 hundred
10 hundreds = 1 thousand
☐ Use a variety of strategies to compose and decompose three-digit numbers
Grade 3 | Fractions
☐ Develop an understanding of fractions as part of a whole unit and as parts of a collection
☐ Use manipulatives, visual models, and illustrations to name and represent unit fractions (1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6 and 1/10) as part of a whole or a set of objects
☐ Understand and recognize the meaning of numerator and denominator in the symbolic form of a fraction
☐ Recognize fractional numbers as equal parts of a whole
☐ Explore equivalent fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4)
☐ Compare and order unit fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) and find their approximate locations on a number line
Grade 3 | Measurement
☐ Select tools and units appropriate for the length measured (metric units)
☐ Select and use standard metric and non-standard units to estimate measurements
☐ Use a ruler to measure to the nearest standard unit (centimeters)
☐ Weigh objects (grams)
☐ Recognize capacity as an attribute that can be measured
☐ Compare capacities (e.g., Which contains more? Which contains less?)
☐ Measure capacity, using metric standard units (liters)
☐ Identify compass directions: NE etc and NNE etc
☐ Weigh objects (ounces)
☐ Select tools and units appropriate for the length measured (US units)
☐ Select and use standard US and non-standard units to estimate measurements
☐ Use a ruler to measure to the nearest standard unit (inches)
☐ Measure capacity, using standard US units (pints)
Grade 3 | Time
☐ Relate unit fractions to the face of the clock:
* Whole = 60 minutes
* 1/2 = 30 minutes
* 1/4 = 15 minutes
☐ Tell time to the minute, using digital and analog clocks
Grade 3 | Geometry (Plane)
☐ Define and use correct terminology when referring to shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, kite and hexagon)
☐ Identify congruent and similar figures
☐ Similar
☐ Identify and construct lines of symmetry
Grade 3 | Geometry (Solid)
☐ Name, describe, compare, and sort three-dimensional shapes: cube, cylinder, sphere, torus, prism, pyramid and cone
☐ Pyramids
☐ Sphere
☐ Torus
☐ Identify the faces on a three-dimensional shape as two-dimensional shapes
☐ Understand the three dimensions including the definitions of point, line, plane and solid
☐ Point
Grade 3 | Pre-Algebra
☐ Use the equality or inequality symbols (with and without the use of a number line) to compare whole numbers and unit fractions (1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6 and 1/10)
☐ Describe and extend numeric (+, -) and geometric patterns
☐ Patterns
Grade 3 | Data
☐ Formulate questions about themselves and their surroundings
☐ Collect data using observation and surveys, and record appropriately
☐ Construct a frequency table to represent a collection of data
☐ Identify the parts of pictographs and bar graphs
☐ Display data in pictographs and bar graphs
☐ State the relationships between pictographs and bar graphs
☐ Read and interpret data in bar graphs and pictographs
☐ Formulate conclusions and make predictions from data graphs
Grade 3 | Estimation
☐ Estimate numbers up to 500
☐ Recognize real world situations in which an estimate (rounding) is more appropriate
☐ Check reasonableness of an answer by using estimation
Grade 3 | Money
☐ Count and represent combined coins and dollars, using currency symbols ($0.00)